Objective 1.03 Analyze and assess the evolution and influence of technology

Matching exercise

Match the items on the right to the items on the left.
Was a time for survival. Tools were made of stone and used for cutting, hunting, and even progressed to harnessing fire.
Tools were made of Iron and Steele. Developments such as the plow and irrigation enabled fewer farmers to grow more food.
The agricultural advances produced a surplus which led to increased trade. Increased trade created bigger markets with more products. The time period was also know for the development of the rocket and gunpowder.
The rebirth of the Arts. Leonardo da Vinci, Printing Press, Screwdriver.
Marks a point in history when factories took over the production of most products. People moved from the country to the city for jobs.
Period of time where technological developments have and will continue to occur at an exponential rate. Emphasizes processing and exchanging information. Development of binary language, transistors, and microchips.