Vocabulary 1.0 (U-W)

Matching exercise

Match the items on the right to the items on the left.
1) A joint state-federal program under which state-administered funds pay a weekly benefit for a limited time to eligible workers when they are involuntarily unemployed.
2) Cherished ideas and beliefs that affect decisions a person makes.
3) Pertaining to sight
4) Expressed in words
5) Good Health
6) How a person feels about his/her job and the effort he/she puts into it.
7) Activity directed toward a goal that produces something of value; to exert oneself physically or mentally.
8) Those chracteristics that employers require for employment (SCANS skills: basic skills, thinking skills, personal qualities, workplace competencies)
9) Ideas and beliefs concering career/work that are important to a person and govern his/her perception of job/occupation/career.
10) Guarantees financial assistance to workers injured on the job.