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Page history last edited by Chaise 6 years, 8 months ago




Special Thanks Donorschoose.org and those who have donated to class materials.


Powerpoints and Handouts on this page are copyrighted by NC TED curriculum.  Materials should be used for class purposes only.




Finished Early 

Cool Tools/ Finished Early


Random Name Picker 3rd

Random Name Picker 4th



Mid-Term Exam Part 2


STEM Project Images/Video


Class Links

Piazza-Discussion Board

1) http://animoto.com/

2) http://edu.glogster.com

Glogster Rubric.doc

3) http://www.citationmachine.net/

4) The Evolution of Technology

5) Bridge to Classroom


Unit 1 Links

Lesson 1


 1.1.2. R&D Funding Change doc

 1.1.3 Assignment.doc 


Lesson 2

3)1.2.1.Geodesic Dome.doc 


4) Engineering Design Sheet.doc


Lesson 3

5)  Unit 1 Lesson 3 Class Scatter Plot


6) Factors that affect product success and failure.1.3.2.doc


Best and Worst Products of 2011 Links

Worst Products of 2011

Tech Fails

Top products for 2011

10 Successful Products


Lesson 4

My Inventive Idea1.4.1.doc

7  1.4.3.doc Invention Design proposal



UNIT 2 Links


2)Obelisk Assignment Document.doc




6) 2.2.5.doc

7) 2.2.6.doc

 Leonardo da Vinci, scientist, inventor, artist. Retrieved from


 Cohagan, Ryan. (2001). The pyramid scheme. Retrieved from

 kingtutone.com. (2001-2005). The pyramids. Retrieved from


Smithsonian National Air and Space Museum. The Apollo program. Retrieved from

China Skyhorse Network. (2006-2010). The Great Wall of China information and resources
platform. Retrieved from http://www.greatwallchina.info/


Unit 2 Quiz

Unit 2 Quiz Ages


UNIT 3 - Lesson 1 Links

1) Honda Commercial with Rube Goldberg

2) 9-Core Technologies - Explanation Link

Rube Goldberg Design Brief.docx

Core Technologies Quiz 


UNIT 3 - Lesson 2





UNIT 3 - Lesson 3

3)Unit 3 Lesson 3.3.1.doc

4)Air Force Museum. (2011). Tu-4 “Bull.”

5)National Museum of the U.S. Airforce. (2006). Soviet Union impounds and copies B-29.
6) Steeljawscribe. (2007). Red bulls: Of replication, the B-29 and TU-4 Bull.
7) Hardesty, V. (2001). Made in the U.S.S.R. Air & Space Magazine.

8) New World Encyclopedia, Reverse Engineering.
9) Reverse Engineering Explained

10)3.3.2 Building Block.doc

11)Toy Building Block Reverse Engineering Steps.doc

12)3.3.3 Reverse Engineering Extension.doc


Lesson 4

3.4.1 Circuit Troubleshooting.docx

 3.4.2 Troubleshooting Diagram .doc


UNIT 4 Links

Lesson 1

Design Principles


Catapult Design.doc


Lesson 2

Design Squad Video



Mousetrap Car Design Brief.doc

Mousetrap Completion Checklist.docx

Lesson 3

4.3.1.doc Four Scenarios

Toy Train Design Brief.doc

Criteria and Constraints Worksheetdoc.doc


Lesson 4


File 4.4.2.doc

Technical Drawings Link


Lesson 5

4.5.1.T-shirt Design.doc

4.5.2. M&M Color Data Analysis.docx

4.5.5 Collecting and Processing Information.doc

4.5.5. Crane Strain Analysis doc.doc


Lesson 6

Thomas Edison Link

Elevator Speech.doc

File 4.6.3 Mini Table Golf Design Brief.doc



UNIT 5 Links

Energy and Power

Energy Quiz

5.1.2.doc Energy Consumption

Energy Consumption Estimator

Wind Mill Design Portfolio.doc 


Materials Tessting5.2.1.doc

Tensile Testing Simulator

The Glass Age Video

The Glass Age Part 2

Material Properties PPT Assignment.docx

5.2.2. Manufacturing Design Brief doc  


Define Infrastructure 5.3.1.doc

Green Home Time Lapse+

Green Home Construction5.3.2.doc

New Construction Methods 5.3.3.doc  



October Sky Trailer

Apollo 13 Trailer

The Diplomats Daughter- Types of Communication




Reasons we communicate_overview.PDF

Communications PPT Guidelines.docx 




Selected Response 5.5.4.docx  

The Know Show Game

History of Transportation

Agricultural Stats for NC


C02 Car Engineering Design Portfolio.doc




Telemedicine Video Exploration

Haiti Telemedicine

Haitian Relief Effort

Telemedicine Relief Effort Assignment..doc

Telemedicine Assignment.doc


Final Exam Study Guide




TED UNIT Powerpoints


Unit 1: Technological Innovations and Inventions

1) TED Presentation 1.1.1.pptxUnit 1 Lesson 1 Diffusion.pptx

2) TED_Presentation_1.1.2.pptx

3) TED Powerpoint 1.2.1.pptx  

4) Advertising and Marketing Effects on Technology.ppt

5) TED_Presentation_1.4.1.pptx


Unit 2: History of Technology

1) TED_Presentation_2.1.1.pptx

2) TED_Presentation_2.2.1.pptx


Unit 3: Systems

1) TED_Presentation_Unit_3_Lesson1.pptx

2) TED_Presentation_Unit_3_Lesson_.2.1.pptx

3) TED_Presentation_Unit_3_Lesson_.3.1.pptx

4) TED_Presentation_Unit_3_Lesson_4.1.pptx


Unit 4: Design

Sunglasses PPT.ppt

1) TED_Presentation_4.1.1-1.pptx

Design Principles.ppt 

 2) TED_Presentation_4.2.2.pptx

3) TED_Presentation_4.3.1-1.pptx

4) TED_Presentation_4.4.1-1.pptx

5) TED_Presentation_4.5.1-1.pptx

6) TED_Presentation_4.6.1-1.pptx


Unit 5: Design World

1) TED_Presentation_5.1.1-1.pptx

2) TED_Presentation_5.2.1-1.pptx

3) TED_Presentation_5.3.1-1.pptx

4) TED_Presentation_5.4.1-1.pptx

5) TED_Presentation_5.5.1-1.pptx

6) TED_Presentation_5.6.1-1.pptx


Unit 6: Integrated Transportation Systems (NASA)

1) TED_Presentation_6.1.1-1.pptx

2) TED_Presentation_6.2.1-1.pptx

3) TED_Presentation_6.3.1-1.pptx

4) TED_Presentation_6.4.1-1.pptx



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